Hurricane Warnings in Effect
Atlantic:  High Seas

OPC Experimental GIS Data and Products

Regional Seastate KML Files (Experimental)

OPC's regional seastate charts are now available in a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format. When opened in a program such as Google Earth, these KML files will display the various products listed below but projected onto the Earth's surface. The KML file itself does not change; it points to the latest OPC product. You should only have to download it once to always have the latest information.

Unified Surface Analysisupdated 09:33 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Atlantic Wind/Wave Analysisupdated 07:19 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Atlantic 48 Hour Surface Forecastupdated 05:00 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Atlantic 48 Hour Composite Surface Forecastupdated 05:00 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Atlantic 48 Hour Composite Wind & Wave Forecastupdated 07:44 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Atlantic 96 Hour Surface Forecastupdated 16:56 UTC, 03 Jul 2024
Atlantic 96 Hour Composite Surface Forecastupdated 16:55 UTC, 03 Jul 2024
Atlantic 96 Hour Composite Wind & Wave Forecastupdated 17:26 UTC, 03 Jul 2024
Pacific Wind/Wave Analysisupdated 07:16 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Pacific 48 Hour Surface Forecastupdated 07:41 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Pacific 48 Hour Composite Surface Forecastupdated 07:41 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Pacific 48 Hour Composite Wind & Wave Forecastupdated 06:43 UTC, 04 Jul 2024
Pacific 96 Hour Surface Forecastupdated 15:26 UTC, 03 Jul 2024
Pacific 96 Hour Composite Surface Forecastupdated 15:25 UTC, 03 Jul 2024
Pacific 96 Hour Composite Wind & Wave Forecastupdated 17:47 UTC, 03 Jul 2024

If for some reason the information looks old, try "refreshing" the file. In Google Earth, this is done with a right click on the KML content.

About KML

Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is used by a variety of GIS and mapping applications and the specifications are freely available to the public and available to the user community without charge or restriction. KML is an XML-based language for managing the display of three-dimensional geospatial data in the programs Google Earth, Google Maps,Google Mobile, ArcGIS Explorer, and WorldWind. The word Keyhole is an earlier name for the software that became Google Earth; the software was produced in turn by Keyhole, Inc, which was acquired by Google in 2004.

The term "Keyhole" actually honors the KH reconnaissance satellites, the original eye-in-the-sky military reconnaissance system now some 30 years old. KML files are very often distributed as KMZ files, which are zipped KML files with a .kmz extension.

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